Edukad projektid

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Leidsin 8 projekti. koordinaator-riik [ NO ]  otsingusõna [ TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL ]

Partner-riigid (projektides osaluse arv)
projekti nr akronüüm ja pealkiri kestus
H2020 - 640276 GAIA-CLIM - Gap Analysis for Integrated Atmospheric ECV CLImate Monitoring 2015-2018
H2020 - 101022370 PERFECOAT - High Performance Bio-based Functional Coatings for Wood and Decorative Applications 2021-2024
H2020 - 726840 TROPICO - Transforming into Open, Innovative and Collaborative Governments 2017-2021
FP7 - 268199 ECOGRID EU - Large scale Smart Grids demonstration of real time market-based integration of DER and DR 2011-2015
FP7 - 605103 EmerEEG - A portable device for Early detection and treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury based on advanced qEEG and HD-TES to prevent major Health problems and specially for use in emergencies and telemedicine. 2013-2015
FP5 - 58384 GEM-EUROPE - Global Education in Manufacturing - EUROPE 2001-2004
FP5 - 57231 MANTRA-EAST - Integrated strategies for the management of transboundary waters on the eastern european fringe - the pilot study of lake peipsi and its drainage basin 2001-2004
FP5 - 53142 NEHOM - Evaluating housing and neighbourhood initiatives to improve the quality of life of deprived urban neighbourhoods and assessing their transferability across europe 2000-2004